Our Commitment

We aim to be inclusive, open-minded, and respectful of every path every woman is on. And we are glorious in our diversity. If you are interested in being part of a Jewish community of women, we welcome you fully and ask that welcome your fellow sisters in the same way. We are a beautiful sisterhood -- may our differences intrigue us and help us grow, while our commonalities unite us and help us flourish.


The SVIVAH Commitment

To build a collective committed to responsiveness, inclusion & welcoming.

To affirm the value of our womanhood.

To contribute to each other’s flourishing.

To infuse our Jewish lives with intention & meaning, exploring our spiritual language through the varied & unique ways we approach community & faith.

To create collective safety, allowing us to share our full selves honestly & without judgement.

To model how women should be treated & how we should treat each other.

Of us. By us. For us.

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